Kubernetes & Traefik with local Wildcard certificates

Kubernetes & Traefik with local Wildcard certificates
This was originally posted on Medium. As a passionate software engineer at Localz, I get to tinker with fancy new tools (in my own time) and then annoy my coworkers by evangelising said tools in the workplace. Kubernetes is just one of those tools, and we’re currently exploring it for use internally! 🐙 Here’s a little tutorial I’ve whipped up for getting Kubernetes up and running on your Mac, and deploying some small services.
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Building lean Docker images

This was originally posted on Medium. At Localz, we use Docker as the building block for all of our deployments. We like to think of it as a single unit of deployment. If it runs in Docker, it can be deployed and horizontally scaled, and requires less maintenance than running on bare metal. In this post, I’ll go through the techniques we use to keep our Docker images lean — including using base images, removing build dependencies, utilising build stages, and scratch-based images!
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Reduce build time with Docker

One weird trick to reduce build time! CI services hate him! This is a fairly simple way to reduce your build time if you spend a lot of time bundling dependencies prior to performing tests or deployments in CI. The trick is to bundle any build dependencies into a Docker image so that you don’t have to install them each time you run a job. Let’s take a look at my .
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